Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Parties


The preschoolers were anxiously awaiting the Christmas parties. The a.m. class played a present unwrapping game and heard a fun story. The p.m. class decorated trees and stockings. Both classes ate yummy snacks and opened presents. We thank the parents that planned and provided for the parties. Everyone had a great time!

The Gingerbread Man

Mixing up the cookie dough.
Decorating the gingerbread cookies.
Those tricky gingerbread men escaped from the oven. Good thing they left us notes so we could find them. They had us chasing them all over the school.
The best part -- eating them.

We have been doing many activities around the story "The Gingerbread Man". The preschoolers loved hearing the story as well as other gingerbread related stories. We ended our unit by making gingerbread cookies. The children mixed up the dough, decorated the cookies and put them in the oven. When we went to get them out of the oven, they had escaped! We chased them all over the school following the notes they left behind. We finally found them back in our classroom. We ate them up quickly, so they couldn't get away from us again.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

High School Helpers

High school students from Mrs. Olsen's Child Development class have been visiting our room the past few weeks. They come on Monday and Friday mornings. It is nice to have extra hands in the room, and the children are enjoying getting to know the high school girls.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dental Health

The Newell-Fonda School and Early Smiles have joined efforts to improve dental health for the preschoolers. The children were given the opportunity to receive free dental screenings, fluoride varnishes and sealants. The children also received a bag with a tooth brush, toothpaste, floss, etc. We really appreciate this service to improve the dental health of our preschoolers.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Decorating a Tree at the Library

Each year, the Newell Library chooses a theme for their Christmas tree display. This year, the theme is "An Old Fashioned Christmas". The preschool and transitional kindergarten children decorated a tree for the display. The TK students made paper chains, and we all made cookie ornaments out of salt dough. The librarians gave us a tour of the library and read us some Christmas stories. Come check out our tree if you get a chance.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Library Story Time

On Monday, the preschoolers walked to the library for "Story Time". We heard some Thanksgiving stories and made a turkey craft. We thank Angie and Sherrie for inviting us to the library. The kids really enjoyed it.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Parties

Yummy Treats!
Dads turning into "mummies"!
Fun Games!
Great Costumes!

We had a great time at our Halloween parties. The preschoolers have been waiting for these parties all month. The a.m. class walked through the elementary classrooms to show off their costumes. The p.m. class participated in a costume parade in the gym with the rest of the elementary students. After the parades, we ate yummy snacks and played games. A big thanks goes to the moms and dads that helped with the parties.

Carving Pumpkins

While learning about the color orange, we did some pumpkin activities. We drew pictures of our small pumpkins, estimated how many seeds were inside and then counted the seeds. There were a lot more seeds in those little pumpkins than anyone thought. We cleaned and carved our big pumpkins.


We have been learning about bats in preschool. We have been singing songs, doing bat activities on the computer and reading books about bats. We ended our unit with Katie, the B.V. County Naturalist, coming to talk to us about bats. She brought some stuffed bats for us to see and one of them we could even touch. It was very soft and furry. We thank Katie for sharing her bats with us.

Red Ribbon Week

Wear red for Red Ribbon Week
Sock it to drugs.
Say "BOO" to drugs.

Red Ribbon Week was October 25 - 29. This week is celebrated each year at Newell-Fonda to teach our students to stay away from drugs. Each day had a theme and the preschoolers had the option of dressing for the theme. On Monday, we dressed in red. Tuesday was "Sock it to Drugs" day, and the children could wear crazy socks. Thursday we combined with our Halloween parties and said "BOO" to drugs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

iPod Touch

iPod Touches are one way the preschoolers are using technology in the classroom. The iTouches have applications downloaded on them for the children to use. We use them during our small group time to practice skills such as alphabet knowledge and math skills. Some apps read a story to us or help us form letters and numbers correctly. This week we used them to review colors and to work on counting. The children really enjoy using them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fire Safety Unit

The highlight of our fire safety unit was getting to ride in the fire department's Rescue Unit.

Firefighter Brian put on his full gear to show the children what he looks and sounds like when he is fighting a fire. This is an important lesson for small children, so they will not be afraid if there is ever a fire in their home and a firefighter needs to rescue them. We talked a lot about going to the firefighter and never hiding from them.
We have been talking about fire safety in preschool. We have been learning to crawl under smoke, to never play with matches or lighters and to stop, drop and roll if our clothes are on fire. Songs, books, computer programs, and a video are just some of the activities we have been doing to learn these lessons. A big thanks goes to the Newell Fire Department for talking to us about fire safety, the great gifts (including the fire hats shown above) and for the ride in the Rescue Unit.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Football Readers

Every Friday during football season, a Mustang football player comes to our class and reads us story. The preschoolers enjoy the stories and seeing the boys in their jerseys. We thank Coach Wilken and the Mustang football team for sharing their time with us each week.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Homecoming Week

Super Hero/ Villain Day

Tacky Tourist Day
Fake an Injury Day

Blue and Silver Day

Homecoming Parade

What a fun Homecoming week. Some of us dressed up for the Spirit Days. Everyone did a great job on their costumes, and we had 3 winners in preschool! On Friday, the P.M. class watched the parade. Football players, fire trucks and candy are three very exciting things for preschoolers. The weather was beautiful too. Go Mustangs!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Over the past week, the preschoolers practiced lots of drills. We had a school wide fire drill, tornado drill and bus evacuation drill. The alarms for the fire and tornado drill are very LOUD, but the children did great. We will have school wide drills again in the spring, but the preschoolers will practice fire and tornado drills on a monthly basis to make sure we know what to do. We talk about how these drills are only for practice and there really isn't a fire or tornado, but these drills still make some preschoolers anxious. If your child is one of these children, please talk to them about drills and let us know so we can talk to them one on one before the next drill happens.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Preschool Begins

A.M. Class

P.M. Class
Home visits have been completed and preschool has begun. This year, we are beginning with 19 children in the A.M. class and 19 children in the P.M. class. It has been fun meeting these children and their families. We are all excited about beginning preschool, and it looks like it is going to be a great year.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Welcome to the Newell-Fonda Preschool blog! Check out the fun things that are going on in our classroom.