Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fur Bearing Animal Program

Katie, the B.V. County Naturalist, presented a program on Fur Bearing Animals. She told us interesting things about many mammals found in Iowa and brought fur pelts for us to touch. The preschoolers really like this program and getting the chance to feel the fur of different animals.

Circles Everywhere

We are working hard at learning our shapes. Last week, we did many activities with circles. We worked on drawing circles, made circle sculptures, played circle games with hoops, made circle finders and went on a circle hunt.

Christmas Parties

The preschoolers had a great time at their Christmas Parties! We ate yummy snacks, played games, made Christmas decorations, and of course opened presents. Thank you to the parents that helped with the parties. We would also like to thank you for the presents and cards we received.