Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nature's Colors

Katie the BV County Naturalist paid her first visit of the year to our classroom and talked to us about the colors of nature.  The preschoolers favorite color of nature was the painted turtle Katie brought with her.  She will be coming to our classroom throughout the year to discuss science and nature.

Fire Safety Day

Fire Safety Day was a lot of fun!  Thank you to the firefighters for taking the time to talk to us about fire safety and for giving us a ride around town.

Fall Story Hour

The librarians at the Newell Public Library invited the elementary classes to their Fall Story hour.  We listened to stories about friendship then we traced our hands and made a friendship chain.  If you get a chance go to the library and check out the chain!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Even the preschoolers have school spirit when it comes to Homecoming.  Some of the children dressed up for "Twin (triplet) Day", "Crazy Hair/Hat Day", and "Favorite Holiday Day".  Almost everyone was in blue and silver on Friday.  The p.m. class watched the Homecoming Parade and cheered "GO MUSTANGS!!"

F is for Flute and Football Readers

While learning about the letter F, we read a story called "Fifi Ferret's Flute".  As a follow up activity, Megan came and played her flute for us.  She would play a song and the children would try to guess the song.  In this picture, they are clapping and singing along to "Bingo".  Thank you, Megan, for playing this game with us.

Every Friday during football season, we have a football player come and read a story to us.  The preschoolers really enjoy getting to see the boys in their football jerseys and hearing them read.  It is especially fun when the football reader is your brother!  We thank the Mustang football players and Coach Wilken for sharing their time with us.