Thursday, February 23, 2012

Field Trip to Post Office

We have been talking about mail in preschool. The children have been making letters and cards for their friends in the writing center and mailing them in the post office in the dramatic play center. We have had lots of postal workers delivering the mail too. The preschoolers also made Valentines for their parents. We took a field trip to the Newell Post Office to mail them. The children got to cancel the stamp on their letter and help sort it into the correct box. Rick gave them each a coloring book too. We thank Rick for giving us this hands on experience each year.

Valentine's Day Parties

The preschoolers were very excited for Valentine's Day. They had a great time opening the Valentines from their friends. The a.m. class played games at their party, and the p.m. class made bracelets out of candy and cereal at their party. Both classes had a lot of fun. Thank you to the parents that helped with the parties!

Who Will Help Me Bake the Bread?

During our study of fairy tales, we read some of the stories and did activities based on the story. One of those activities was making home made bread. After we read The Little Red Hen, I asked the preschoolers "Who will help me make the bread?" and they all said, "I will!" They were great little bread makers. The mixed and kneaded the dough and the cooks baked it for us. The best part was getting to eat it for snack. It was delicious!