Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Library Christmas Tree

Each year, we decorate a Christmas Tree at the Newell Public Library for their annual Christmas Tree display. This year's theme was Christmas in Other Lands. We chose the country Brazil to decorate our tree. Thank you to Thomas' mom, Juliana, for helping with the decorations. At the library, we heard a story, decorated our tree, looked at the other trees, and took a tour of the library including seeing the book drop. Stop by and see our tree if you get a chance.

Talking Turkey

We have been doing a short unit on Turkeys in November. We have been looking at pictures of different turkeys on the computer. The preschoolers favorites are Wendy and Wally who have pictures of them growing from poults to a tom and hen. The farmer tells funny stories about these turkeys which the children love to hear. We looked at different pictures of turkeys and then the children made their own out of paper. Katie, the B.V. County Naturalist, came and taught us some more things about turkeys. She brought feathers and an egg for us to see. We had some very interesting "sharing bags" too. Tucker brought his grandpa's stuffed turkey and Zach brought a turkey call.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Too Cute to Spook

P.M. "Spooks"

The preschoolers had fun dressing up in their costumes for Halloween. As you can see, they were very cute. We went on a costume parade, played games and ate snacks at our parties. A big thanks goes to the parents who provided for the Halloween parties. The kids had a great time.

Plants and Seeds Program

Katie, the B.V. County Naturalist, visits our classroom periodically throughout the year to teach us about science and nature. As we were finishing out plants and seeds study, she came and presented a program to the preschoolers. She talked about what plants need to grow, the parts of the plant and showed us some different types of plants. She brought some seeds that we eat and let us eat a sunflower seed. We look forward to learning more about nature from Katie this year.