Monday, April 28, 2014

Fish Questions

We are busy working on our Fish Project.  The children had many questions and misconceptions about fish.  We invited Katie, the B.V. County Naturalist, to come to our classroom and answer some of our questions.  We wrote the children's questions on paper and Mrs. Vanderhoff drew some rebus pictures to remind the children of their question.  We practiced asking questions before Katie's visit.  Each preschooler asked his/her question and then drew a representation of the answer.  We learned a lot about fish.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Parties!

We had two VERY successful Easter parties.  We had an egg hunt and had a snack.  Thank you again to the parents who made it so much fun!  The kids had a blast!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day was held at Newell-Fonda on March 27th.  The preschoolers invited their grandmas and grandpas to school.  They had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities together.  They could also visit the book fair.  I think many books were purchased that day.  The children loved having their grandparents come to preschool.

New Additions

We have three new additions to our classroom.  We now have goldfish as our class pets.  Before we got them, Easton's parents came and talked to us about the fish they have in their aquariums and how they care for their fish.  Tony even made a video, so we could see the fish in his tanks.  The children suggested names for the fish, and then we voted.  The names of our fish are:  Melvin, Naz and Princess.    I think "fish feeder" has become our new favorite job in the classroom.

Read Across America

     We celebrated Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' birthday by having guest readers come to our class.  High School students read Dr. Seuss books to the morning class.  The third grade class chose books to read to the afternoon class.  The preschoolers enjoyed the time with the older students.